
WOW, what a hike!

My friend Esther, her friend from CA and I went hiking this past Saturday up Camelback mountain and HELLO that was a tough one. We hiked up one side and down the other but decided to do the hard part first and I am so glad we did cuz it was straight up for i think 1 1/2 miles with the total hike I believe at 3 miles. It was a 3 hour hike and it was exhausting but when you got to the top it was breathtaking! I haven't hiked since...I don't know when and I thought I was in decent shape from working out all the time, uh no. I'm so glad I did it and I love hanging out with Esther, she makes me laugh. Thanks for letting me join in with you and Angela :)
The pics posted above this are ones of the mountain where it was so steep that you can hold onto the rail to help you climb up or if you are going down, to help you down so you don't kill yourself! The side we hiked up was almost all rocks so it's like you were rock climbing.


Jenny said...

You're nuts. And by-the-way...my son was eating an oreo cookie at my in-laws in CA and there laundry is connected to their kitchen...thank you very much:) Greg is the only one allowed to eat in our laundry room:)

benniegirl said...

tank top & shorts?! it's snowing here today-i'm so jealous! good job with the hiking!

jmelyn said...

oh good grief show off! Good for you, ya i am good without seeing the top of Camelback. You can tell me all about it how about that. :)