
What's under YOUR couch?

So I'm downloading pics off my camera to post on my blog and low and behold I run across lots of pics that Kassidy apprently took all by herself...with my expensive camera! I guess it's bad mommy for leaving it out for her to use. Among the pics was this one of under our couch (or at least part of our couch) and it actually doesn't look too bad, just a lot of crumbs but no Kassidy toys, Chandler toys, hair things, brushes, plates, phones, or whatever else I've actually found under there before. So my question is...what's under your couch?? You might find some money or anything, something that you have long forgotten about until now and could be very important so you might want to go take a looksey and see what you find :)

Excuse me while I go vacuum!

1 comment:

Carol said...

actually i am impressed with whats under your couch, i think its pretty dang clean!