
Adventures at Hobby Lobby

So today a friend brought me to Hobby Lobby and can I say, I LOVE that store! Dang, they have such cool stuff and you can browse for like 24 hours I swear!

Today wasn't a great day though for Kassidy, she was honry all day long. Some of the things that happened today:

a. we see a short older lady looking at beads and she says to me, "mommy you are taller than that lady and she is old"

b. we are standing in line to pay and a man backs up to get into another line and his hair is gray, long and in a ponytal and kassidy says, "mommy that guy has a ponytail...that's weird".

c. as I am paying she decides to throw a fit because she wanted the hello kitty book she got and I would'nt give it to her yet. she starts hitting me all the way out of the store and screaming, getting worse, because now I tell her she lost it until tomorrow!

I know there were more things that happened today but now I just can't think of any more that are worth telling.

So on another note, kids call things how they are. I'm not mad when she says things like what happened in example a or b above or things like "i hope my black friend is at the gym today" because I don't want to put prejudeces in her mind (is my thought) but I'm always concerned about what those people are thinking when she says innocent stuff like that. I hope they don't think she is mean, come on she's 4, but I do tell her later that maybe part of what she said was not ok, like that the ponytail was weird. I know that when she gets a little older I can explain things in a little more detail if she continues to say things like these because at age 12 I think those people would really be offended, lol.

I hope tomorrow is a better day :)


Jill Carilli said...

Lisa I so know what you mean. We were at the baseball game and a girl walked by with a birthday hat on her head. And Ella says "Mommy why does that lady have that on her, the one with the big butt?" Now this lady was really obese. And I think I overreacted and told her Ella that is not a nice thing to say. But really she did have a big butt. So I told Jimmy I regretted making a big deal about it. I now look forward to the moment she does something like that and will use it as an excuse to teach her something positive. Such as in example A) my response might be, yes she is and I bet she is somebody's grandma, or older people are fun and have lots of cool stories to tell. B) Yes he does have a ponytail, cause everyone gets to wear their hair different and that is not weird that is COOL! :) Or in my case, Ella big is beautiful as long as there is a beautiful heart to go with it. XO Good Luck!

coca-cola angela said...

Rumor is the old Mervyns on Gilbert & Germann is going to be a Hob Lob!!!!!!! I can't wait, I ♥ Hobby Lobby!

Carol said...

nah - people dont get mad - you just have to laugh - kids are funny!