
She learns TOO quickly

...I also teach my daughter bad things.

Today we were driving in the car and usually if someone does something idiotic I start yelling at them and call them idiots. So we are going over train tracks and the lady in front of me, for whatever reason, decides...oh no a railroad tracks, I don't know if my car can make so it I better STOP! So I start yelling at her saying HELLO what in the world are you doing??? As soon as I said that Kassidy yells...IDIOT. Oh my gosh, woops!! Kassidy do what mommy does, Kassidy says what mommy says.


Jo said...

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about!

BonBon said...

That's like the time Abbey was almost 2 and she dropped her fork at the dinner talbe, looks down, and goes, "Oh cwap". Yeah, I'm still working on not saying crap.

Kim said...

Yup...my kids will yell as soon as the light turns green "GOOOO!!" They also pass judgement on other drivers just as I do.