
What does soda smell like?

Kassidy has never had a soda, sad I know, I'm such a mean mom.

So I'm pouring a soda to eat with my taquitos and she stands up on her chair and says "I wanna smell your soda".

She smells my soda and says "it smells good".

So Danny asks her "what does soda smell like?"

She looks at him for a second and replies "like soda".


Here's another one:

I gave her a popsicle after she ate dinner and I said to her "ok chickadee, pick a color".

So she says to me "i'm not chickadee I'm Kassdidy". (she can't pronounce her name yet without adding an extra d in there)


Jo said...

I love that! And I'm sure she was like "duh, Mom!" too.

Me said...

Viewing the world through your children and their "new" point of view...priceless!

Julie said...

Dang that's so cute. I miss you guys. I wanna hang with the little chick and I can't...boohooo


No, you are the great mom who doesn't give her soda. I am the BAD mom who gives my daughter sips of her Dr. Pepper. Keep her away! So cute!

Kim said...

You mean you didn't give her soda in a bottle when she was a baby? Strange... :)