
Construction workers

K so we were on our way to Vegas today when we came across road construction. We come across the person standing along side the road who's holding the "slow" sign and we think hmmmm, how do you ask for a raise when you have that kind of job? You can't really say "hey I hold that sign really well" can I have a raise? So we were wondering if you had had to get promoted to like maybe the guy who rides on the car along side the road and pick up the cones? Would you get hazard pay cuz you could fall off trying to reach for the dumb things? Just wondering.


Jo said...

Hey! Never underestimate the construction worker. Without them you wouldn't have a road to get to Vegas on! Hehehehe

McB's said...

That is true! But it would not be fun, it looks really boring!

Anonymous said...

You think of the funniest things...You would be the funnest person to travel with (lots better than my mute husband-don't tell him I said that!!!!).....

mamazita said...

Ok, so to see those really cute creations go to my blog, click on adam and elaine, and then click on Elaine's creative blog. She has some really cute ideas there.

Me said...

Hey in this economy you would be happy to have the sign job...ha ha