
Kassidy lines

Here are a few things that come out of Kassidy's mouth.

When she gives me an answer of "cuz" I always say, "cuz" is not an answer so she asked me something and I said "cuz" and she says, "cuz is not an answer mommy".

K: can we do something really fun today?
M: sure, what would you like to do?
K: - go to Allie's house and play
M: well, probably not since we can't just invite ourselves over to someone's house. do you want to go swimming instead?
K: yah!

Mommy, daddy has a big tummy

Mommy, when I was a baby did I say googoo gaagaa?

K: I can't marry daddy, are you in love with daddy?
M: yes
K: (with an embarrased look) I'm in love with Levi (he's 14)

As we are shopping in Target for a pair of cheap glasses for me, she also wants a pair to which I tell her no, you have a few pairs already so I'm not buying you glasses let's go. I start walking to the checkout as she is screaming (and I mean screaming tantrum) behind me "you are the meanest mom and I don't like you anymore". So I say "if you think I'm the meanest mom, then I'll show you the meanest mom". She continued saying it until we got to the car.

K: mommy you don't like Spongebob
M: nope sure don't
K: you don't let me watch it. daddy let's me sometimes, hehe


Danika said...

I love hearing kids' funny sayings!

Good for you for not giving in and buying her stuff even if she throws a tantrum! I hate it when I see/hear moms give in. I'd much rather listen to a screaming kid...

My kids have a hard time understanding that we can't just go over to someone's house and play (that we have to be invited)!

Carol said...

i loved everything she said - i especially like how she ratted out her dad with the whole watching sponge bob thing :)